For an appointment:

Ginger Holczer, PsyD






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I found this awesome video awhile ago and was reminded of it today.  Sometimes it's scary to be alone and we surround ourselves with people, things, or even chaos to keep us busy.  When we fill our lives up, we miss what it's like to just be present in our own skin.  Enjoy...


Why does good intimacy not always equal good sex?

Many times, sexual desire wanes in long-term, committed relationships.  This issue is addressed in the book, Mating In Captivity, by Esther Perel.  Very eloquently, she tells us how to bridge domesticity and sexual desire.  Recently, she discussed this topic in a Ted Talk that has over a million views--and well deserved. Watch the video here:

Watch with your partner and begin a dialogue about how you can add more passion into your relationship.


What?! You don't like me?

We all come across people who just don't seem to like us.  Generally, we tend to take it personal and see it as a fault of ourselves, rather than considering that it could be a product of the other person's individual filter or limited perception.  What that means is that the other person has an idea based on their own experiences--and our tendency is to interpret based on that experience.  For instance, we may remind someone of their abusive father, the kid in elementary school that they fought with all the time, or the ex-spouse who never stood up for them.  The point is, it may have absolutely nothing to do with us!

We all want to be liked and if we aren't liked by someone else we can easily get bogged down in feeling bad.  What can we do instead of taking on someone else's projection of us?  Try just accepting that we all have different perspectives, opinions, and interpretations.  When we give others the freedom of acceptance, we can access it for ourselves, letting go of the idea of needing approval so we can spend more of our emotional energy in more positive directions.  This way, we can handle the situation with the spirit of integrity and honoring ourselves.



Come check out this workshop opportunity I am facilitating at Aerosha this weekend~

Every woman has a sex goddess inside, but as women, most of us do not even come close to realizing our sexual potential. We are taught from a young age that sex is for men and "good girls don't...." As a result, women are labeled as lacking sexual desire and we don't realize how much opportunity for pleasure, intimacy, and personal power is lost.  Come and learn how to reconnect to feminine desire, love your body, enjoy sexuality, and communicate your needs. Own the lusciousness and sexual desire you deserve! This class is held in sacred space with no explicit behavior in the class.  Dress in comfortable clothing, we will begin this session with a gentle warmup.  Includes snack and beverage.  All Women Welcome. Pay in advance $55; Pay upon arrival $65.   Register by following the link:



I am thankful to the brave people who share their lives and stories with me.  It is an honor to be allowed to witness the pain, joy, and healing that goes along with becoming vulnerable with another person.  I am honored and humbled...